Mr. Ricky's letter about the activities of Exchange students from Perth, Australia |KANAIGAKUEN ACTION BOOK|金井学園

オーストラリアの姉妹校から交換留学生 来福!!


「福井高等学校と福井中学校において、コミュニケーション能力を養いながら、異文化を理解し、生徒の国際的な視野を広げることを目的として、姉妹校であるオーストラリアのSacred Heart Collegeと相互に交換留学生の派遣と受入を行っています。

このたび、本年度もSacred Heart Collegeより高校生16名、中学生2名の交換留学生を受け入れることになりました。受け入れ期間中、本校授業への参加、書道体験、県内施設の見学等、日本文化への理解と関心を高めると同時に、本校の生徒と交流を深めるプログラムを実施します。」








Making Japanese Washi paper

Pray for peace at Ootakki Jinja,Paper god's shrine

Enjoy Lunch time

At Nishiyama Park, Sabae City, famous for led panda


Letter from Ricky sensei

Dear everyone.

This year we have 18 students from our sister school in Perth , Western Australia.

17 students have buddied up with high school students from Fukui High School  and one student has a buddy from Fukui junior High school.

After traveling to Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara and Hiroshima for one weeks sightseeing the second stage of the trip is the Fukui Homestay Experience. After a weekend , with their new host families they come to school and participate in classes, activities and an excursion.

The Australian students say they are surprised by how lively the Japanese students are. They had an image of quiet and reserved people, but that image was wrong.

They are enjoying trying all of the different foods and feel like even after 10 days or so, their Japanese has improved.

Some students even say now they want to get a job in Japan and live here in the future. Thanks Fukui!

Ricky Kaminski
Fukui Senior Highschool English teacher



Japanese trad garden palace, Yoko-kan

Try to wear Japanese Kimono, Cool & Cute

Quiet Japanese beautiful garden

Learning Japanese calligraphy

Have much fun in Nishiyama Park

※ All photos taken by Mr.Ricky / Special Thanks from KNS


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